Thursday, December 31, 2015

Fiery Balrog

I got started painting the Balrog model I got for Christmas- now I have enough models to field a legal goblin army. Here are some photos:

I'll try to finish up tomorrow or the next day, hopefully that will make it look better.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

WIP Warg Riders- Finished

I completed painting my Warg Riders after I got a set of paints for Christmas- I was out of the paints I needed to complete them! Here are some photos of them:

(I love how it looks like the Warg is about to pounce on the camera and eat it in the last picture)

I also got some miniature sized plastic trees (finally!) and some more miniatures, which I will be painting soon.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Encampment Almost Finished...

I've managed to get in some more work on my encampment. Now all that remains is to finish a small section of palisades, complete the tower roof, and then paint it.

Here are some photos of my Rohan army in the camp:

And inside the tower:

I hope to finish up tomorrow or maybe Christmas Eve, I'll post pictures then.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Nothing better than getting Goblins in the mail

Well I bid on a box of 24 Goblins and I got a good deal on it. It was originally sold for 30 American dollars, but I got it for $20. I've taken them off the sprue and put them together. I also ordered an Armored Goblin that I can use as a captain. Hopefully I will get that Balrog I asked for this Christmas :)

My final army list should look something like this:

Goblin Captain with Shield
4 Goblins with Shields
4 Goblins with Spear
2 Gundabad Blackshields with Shields
2 Gundabad Blackshields with Spear

Goblin Captain with Shield
4 Goblins with Shields
4 Goblins with Spear
Goblin Drums

Goblin Shaman
8 Goblins with Bow
4 Moria Goblin Prowlers with Two-handed axes


Here are the goblins I currently have:

Saturday, November 14, 2015

WIP Warg Riders- Wargs complete

Hello all! I managed to finish up the Wargs. I hope to make a start on the Orcs by Monday.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

WIP Warg Riders- Fur

I made a start on the Warg Riders I have. I've converted one to become a Captain, I'll take pictures as soon as I start to paint him.

I completed the fur of three Wargs:

Unfortunately, the battle report I started on a few weeks ago glitched up, and I was forced to delete it. In the future I will try to type posts on a computer rather than an iPad.

More to come soon!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Easterling Encampment Work

Today I did some work on my Easterling Encampment!

Here are some photos of my work.

Unfortunately the Easterlings themselves are still forthcoming. My first purchase will include Easterling Warriors and an Easterling Command.

Sorry that I have not posted the battle report yet! Blogger seems to have issues when I try to edit it from an IPad. I may have to restart the report.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Projects I am currently working on...

There are a number scenery projects that I am currently working on, including an Easterling style encampment, Minas Tirith (a small portion of it, anyway), and also a fortress that resembles Helm's Deep (this one is rather low quality, I hope to start on a better one soon). I would include pictures, but I cannot at the moment. I am also working on my next battle report, I hope to be posting it by Saturday or Sunday. Here are a few photos from it:

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

First Battle Report- (Rohan vs. Isengard: Reconnoitre)

Greetings all. I am a new Lotr Sbg fan and I have two 600 point armies (and counting).

This is my first battle report. Hopefully many more are to come!

Anyway, on to the action.

We rolled for a random points match battle, and got Reconnoitre. My opponent and I had agreed to a 400 point limit.

My opponent's Warband of Warg Riders got onto the battlefield, however his other two Warbands(led by Lurtz and an Uruk-hai Captain) did not arrive yet. Perhaps they decided to sleep in? My Warband of Riders of Rohan (led by a mounted captain) also arrived. My other warband's captain decided to use some might to hurry his troops onto the battlefield.

Isengard had won priority the first turn, so they would get to shoot first. Because the mounted Captain of Rohan has two archers aiming their bows at him, he decides to use a point of might and call a heroic shot. However, the Orc Captain counters with a heroic action of his own! A dice roll is made and the good side wins. The mounted Rohan Captain takes aim, throws his spear, and completely misses! He shouts "Fire!", hoping to cover up his mistake, and the Riders of Rohan release their arrows, to similar effect. Two Warriors of Rohan also throw their spears, and they too miss. The Orc Captain smiles, pulls back his bow, and misses (At this point it wasn't suprising anymore). He motions to his archers, who pull back their bows, and wait; you guessed it; also miss. 
Well, that's two might points wasted before the battle even really began.

With no fights, we moved on to Turn 2.

Both my opponent's warbands got onto the board this turn. However, Haldir didn't arrive yet. 

The Orc Captain and two Warg Riders attack the group of Warriors of Rohan, one Warg Rider is killed and his Warg flees, and the other Warg Rider is killed but his mount stays. Elsewhere the Captain of Rohan and his riders kill two orcs (Their Wargs pass courage tests) and a Berserker. Lurtz, irritated at being held in combat by one Rider of Rohan, slays his opponent easily, as does a nearby Berserker. The Orc Captain's mount pounces on its prey, a Warrior of Rohan, and swallows him whole (the Warg has a stomach ache for days afterwards for eating all that metal and wood).

In the next turn Haldir finally arrives (about time!) as the Warg Captain and riderless Warg continue their attack on the Warriors of Rohan. Another Warrior of Rohan throws himself into combat with Lurtz and loses his life to the Uruk's sword. The Wargs and Riders of Rohan continue their clash, one of the Wargs is slain.

Another Rider of Rohan attempts to attack the Uruk-hai Crossbowmen that are keeping up a steady stream of fire, but is killed instead (at least he stopped them from shooting that turn!).

The mounted Captain of Rohan charges into combat with the banner, is charged by two other Uruk-hai, but wins the fight and slays all three of them (no more re-roll from the banner) using one might point. At the end of the turn, the board looked like this:

Isengard won priority next turn and decided to try and get at least one troop off the board (the Warg Rider with the riderless Warg as an escort. The Orc Captain and some Uruk-hai Warriors attack the Warriors of Rohan. While the other Uruk-hai hold the Riders of Rohan in check (so as to prevent them from attacking the escaping Warg Rider).

The mounted Captain and a Rider attack Lurtz, they lose the fight but no wounds are dealt.

Shot of the fleeing Warg Rider.

An Uruk-hai is killed by a Rider of Rohan, breaking the Evil force.  The next turn the Orc Captain is killed and the over the next two turns most of the Uruk-hai are either killed or flee.

 Haldir finally does something.

 The board at the end of the game:

 The game ended because the Uruk-hai were reduced to 25% of their starting forces. The points were tallied, no models had managed to leave the table but my Good force was unbroken and the Evil side was broken so the final score was 3VP- Good, 0VP- Evil.

Good- Man of the Match- The mounted Rohan Captain who killed three Uruk-hai in one fight phase. 

Evil- Creature of the Match- Crossbowmen, for keeping up a steady stream of fire and eliminating several good warriors.

 Thank you for reading, more to come soon!