Thursday, December 31, 2015

Fiery Balrog

I got started painting the Balrog model I got for Christmas- now I have enough models to field a legal goblin army. Here are some photos:

I'll try to finish up tomorrow or the next day, hopefully that will make it look better.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

WIP Warg Riders- Finished

I completed painting my Warg Riders after I got a set of paints for Christmas- I was out of the paints I needed to complete them! Here are some photos of them:

(I love how it looks like the Warg is about to pounce on the camera and eat it in the last picture)

I also got some miniature sized plastic trees (finally!) and some more miniatures, which I will be painting soon.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Encampment Almost Finished...

I've managed to get in some more work on my encampment. Now all that remains is to finish a small section of palisades, complete the tower roof, and then paint it.

Here are some photos of my Rohan army in the camp:

And inside the tower:

I hope to finish up tomorrow or maybe Christmas Eve, I'll post pictures then.