Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Painting update- Goblins and Aragorn

Hello all, I know I haven't posted in a while. As many of you may have noticed, up to this point I have not used the Citadel paints. Instead I have used some Testors paints I picked up from Hobby Lobby. While these were useful and a big help to me getting started into the hobby, from now on I will be using the Citadel paint range.

I have been working on painting my Space Marines from my Warhammer 40k blog mostly, however recently I have had a chance to do some more painting, and I thought I would start on some Lord of the Rings miniatures.

I will be re-painting my old miniatures at some point, but for now I am working on the miniatures that are still unpainted.

I decided to paint 13 Goblins-12 Warriors and one Armoured Captain, and also Aragorn, who I received (along with the rest of the Fellowship) as a Christmas present last Christmas.

To start with, I sprayed them all with Chaos Black.

For the Goblins, first I basecoated the red bits of cloth with Mephiston Red. Then the metal armour with Leadbelcher. Then I shaded both areas with a heavy shade of Agrax Earthshade. I have also painted their bows and spears with Rhinox Hide, however it is to dark to stand out much and I will repaint it with a lighter colour soon. I have not decided what colour to paint the flesh of the Goblins, perhaps Death World Forest shaded with Agrax Earthshade. I will repaint the wood with Dryad Bark. For the hair and leather, I will basecoat it using Abaddon Black highlighted with Eshin Grey.

For Aragorn, I first basecoated his skin with Bugman's Glow, then shaded it with Reikland Fleshade, then layered it with Cadian Fleshtone. Then I painted his ranger sword with Leadbelcher, and then shaded it with Nuln Oil. I painted his cloak with Caliban Green, then shaded with Nuln Oil, then I brightened it back up using Caliban Green again. I painted his hair with Rhinox Hide, but once again it's too dark.

That's all the painting I've done for the moment, except for my Space Marines of course. After I finish painting the Goblins, I will probably start on some Dwarves I got for Christmas. I've come up with a backstory for my Dwarves, and I am debating over their color scheme. I started painting their cloth red before I got my new paints, but since the Goblins also wear red cloth it probably wouldn't look too good when they meet on the battle field!

Another battle report should come sometime soon (for real this time)!

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